With every game that I photograph I always seem to encounter a scenario unlike any other before. I love the challenge each game presents. The challenge tests and keeps me thinking and on my feet. This past Miami Hurricanes vs. Duke game was no exception.
The challenges shooting at the Hurricanes vs. Duke game were plenty. It was a night game and the stadium wasn’t as brightly lit as it was before at night. I had to shoot with my ISO around 1600-2000 all night. Not to mention the Hurricanes were wearing their smoke colored uniforms. Duke wore white jerseys and the stark contrast of light and dark was throwing my meter into a frenzy.
Being in South Florida the weather is always a factor. This Hurricanes vs. Duke game was no different. Prior to halftime it began to rain and then in the 3rd quarter the skies just opened up. It was raining so hard you could not see across the field. Luckily I always go to the games with a poncho and rain covers for my camera and lenses. So while most people were heading for shelter, I was on the sidelines shooting away.
The biggest challenge was getting in position to get the best shots. It seems with each game there are more and more media patrolling the sidelines which makes it difficult to maneuver. Let me not forget all the ESPN workers helping televise the Hurricanes vs. Duke game. No offense to ESPN but the people they have working the cameras, mics etc. just have no respect at all. They’re constantly standing in the way of photographers, not observing the dotted lines marked around the field specifying where the media, including ESPN, can stand. I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I heard and saw photographer berate the ESPN workers for not following the rules and walking right into their shots.
As for the game action, it really wasn’t all that exciting. A few big plays here and there but that was it. I was able to grab some decent shots, but for me the Hurricanes vs. Duke game wasn’t about photographing the game as much as it was a lesson in dealing with a lot of factors that were working against me. I’ll just keep learning those lessons and improve on them.
Here are a couple of videos from my Instagram page from the pre-game warmups as well as the best part of the game for me, when the players run through the smoke and onto the field.